NJ Rugby is committed to a safe return to rugby.
Face Coverings:
Distance Guidelines:
Practice guidelines:
Coaching Guidelines:
General safety:
Symptoms of COVID 19 that may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus include:
Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
If you are experiencing symptoms, please stay home, monitor symptoms, seek medical advice, wear a mask over your nose and mouth, maintain physical distance from others, clean hands often, cover sneezes and coughs.
*NJ Department of Health Guidance for Sports Activities
*USA Rugby Return to Play Guidelines
**Tackle Rugby will also follow Rugby New Jersey League guidelines:
Face Coverings:
- Players must wear cloth or disposable masks when not engaging in vigorous activity, such as when sitting on the bench, or waiting for practice to begin.
- Family members and spectators should wear face masks, unless doing so would inhibit the individual’s health or the individual is under the age of two. If face masks are not worn, individuals should maintain 6 feet of separation.
- All coaches and players will be screened via temperature check at the start of each session. If the temperature is above 99.6, the individual will not be permitted to practice and will be asked to leave the area.
Distance Guidelines:
- A distance of at least 6 feet between the people present helps to significantly reduce the probability of virus transmission. Due to the movement involved in sports, the distance should be kept at as generous a distance as possible
- Handshakes, high-fives, team huddles, embraces or other physical contact is not permitted.
Practice guidelines:
- When possible, teams will be divided into smaller groups.
- When possible, the same coaches and players will be grouped together, to avoid mixing between groups/team members.
- All players, coaches, and staff should bring their own water and drinks to practice activities.
- Individuals will not share food, beverages, water bottles, towels, pinnies, gloves or any other equipment.
- Spitting is not permitted.
Coaching Guidelines:
- All coaches will be educated on COVID-19 health and safety protocols prior to the start of season. Coaches will be required to read the NJ DOH Return to Play Guidelines* and USA Rugby Return to Play Guidelines*.
- Players and coaches should not attend practices or games if they have tested positive for COVID – 19, feel sick, are showing symptoms of COVID-19, have had close contact with a person with COVID.
- Coaches will be required to wear cloth or disposable masks.
- Coaches will remain a safe social distance from players when possible while on the field.
- Coaches will ensure that there is hand sanitizer, disposable masks (child and adult sizes), latex gloves, thermometer and a First Aid kit available at each practice.
General safety:
- Players, coaches or spectators showing symptoms of COVID-19 shall not be permitted to participate. If any individual develops symptoms of COVID-19 during the activity, they should promptly inform the coach and will be removed from activity.
- Testing is recommended if a player, coach, or other team member is sick, was exposed to a person who has COVID-19 or had “close contact” with an individual.
- Coaches, participants, and others engaging in sports activities must cooperate with local health departments on contact tracing.
- Frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer are recommended.
Symptoms of COVID 19 that may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus include:
Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
If you are experiencing symptoms, please stay home, monitor symptoms, seek medical advice, wear a mask over your nose and mouth, maintain physical distance from others, clean hands often, cover sneezes and coughs.
*NJ Department of Health Guidance for Sports Activities
*USA Rugby Return to Play Guidelines
**Tackle Rugby will also follow Rugby New Jersey League guidelines: